Tuesday, September 8, 2009

* Sermon *


The world of the righteous and the world of sinners

4. Use the words of heaven

Jesus ever said that the kingdom of heaven is within our minds. If we live in the world of sinners-not in the world of the righteous-and realize again we are sinners and properly use the words of sinners, we can give joy to all people and let them feel the kingdom of heaven in their hearts.

Though we preach diligently and are regular in our attendance of worship, we should not be proud by regarding ourselves as the righteous nor find faults with the church members by saying to them-'You must mend your ways; do this way,' 'Why did you do that?' These are not the words of heaven. 'I am sorry,' 'It is my fault'-such words, used in the world of sinners, are of heaven. We should frequently use those heavenly words. The more we hear the heavenly words, the more we feel joy and become encouraged and confident. And then we become united.

It is the same in our family. If we realize we are sinners, consequently it exerts an influence on our children's education at home. Generally children take after their parents; they are the copy of their parents. Children of a united family imitate their parents' tender voice-'Honey, good by! Have a nice day!' But the children who have seen their parents quarrelling all the time are to mimic the way their parents quarrel. Children who have heard words of apology from their parents will have consideration for others when they grow up.

Christ has made us realize that we are sinners since He came into the world 2000 years ago, so that we may make our way in everything both at home and in the church. He said that He came not to call the righteous. Since God said that, we must not pretend to be righteous. Christ came to call sinners, not those thinking highly of themselves and pretending to be righteous.

In the new year, let's try to say the words-'I am so sorry,' 'I am to blame,' 'I will try not to repeat the same mistake again by taking things seriously enough'-and let's put them into practice. When we offer our sincere apology this way, then the kingdom of heaven will be in all.

If I pretend to be righteous, my neighbors will suffer the pain of hell, But if I humble myself as a sinner, they will feel the kingdom of heaven in their minds. Let's put ourselves down at home and in the church, and then our neighbors, too, who gave a rebuke to us at first, will learn the heavenly words little by little.

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